FlexTime Subscriptions

Customize National [NCCAOM™] and California [CALE] subscriptions to Test with confidence and Pass the first time.

The More You Buy, the Less You Pay

Each Board Subscription Includes:

  • DX Mock Exams
  • DX Assessment Tests
  • DX Quizzes
  • iTests
  • Review Areas
  • Test Trends (with 7+ days subscriptions)

FlexTime Summary

Buy anytime from 1 to 91 days. Buy only the modules you need. Customize your subscription bundle. Get two bonuses.

  • Bonus 1: NCCAOM™ Per Module

    Buy 61 days or more, get a $20 rebate or free extension for each module

  • Bonus 2: NCCAOM™ and CALE

    Buy 91 days, get additional 31 days FREE (total 122 days)

  • Bonus 1: CALE All Modules

    Buy 31 days or more, get a $20 rebate or free extension
    Buy 61 days or more, get a $50 rebate or free extension
    Buy 91 days, get a $80 rebate or free extension

1. Click on the checkbox of the module you want to start with.
2. Click on the up arrow for the number of days that you want.
3. Buy multiple modules for an even greater saving. Try it out!

Total $0.00

Subcription Policy Details